
Welcome to Charlie Lou Designs. This could be your blog. This could be your design site, your photography blog, you're little piece of the world wide web...

I started to love designing at a young age. I created a website for the local elementary school when I was a junior in high school, I started design classes in college when I was 19 and then fell in love, got married and started my family.

After that I grew a passion for photography. I taught myself the tricks of the trade and started a business. I was able to get several magazine covers and inside spreads, worked with amazing clients, and made friends with some other amazing photographers.

But above all the things I love to do, i love to be a mom most. I always told myself that I wouldn't let anything get in the way of me being there 100% for my family... So I've hung up my photography business and am now enjoying the design world again... all from my couch. How great is that? I'll still continue to do photography on the side, but for now i'm ok saying i'm just a stay at home mom.